What is IOT?

Internet of things
The world has come a long way from postal mail to email. The world has become ever so more connected both in physical and virtual spheres. But now a need has risen to make the planet more efficient and a better place to live in. For this it was felt that we could have a network of interconnected devices which could take smart decisions based on data provided to them. These devices will also be able to communicate with each other thus act like a team for a common good. Just imagine a world where we could monitor the nutrient requirements of an agricultural land (for the crops to be sown) and accordingly provide these nutrients automatically or semi automatically. This will help us save resources, save money and prevent harm to the environment. A world of small nano bots whose job would be to remove pollution from our environment. And these are just few of the many varied applications that would be possible because of IOT.

So the question arises is what exactly is IOT? IOT or Internet of Things is a system of interrelated smart devices/end devices and their ability to transfer data over a network. Basically all the smart devices will be connected to internet with their unique IP address. Now there are more devices connected to internet than human population on the earth. Just to accommodate these new devices we had to switch to IP version 6. These devices sense the physical environment, collect and send data in real time or in parts to the main application (central location). The central location analyse these data and accordingly send instructions to the end devices to take the necessary actions.
End devices are the devices that give IOT the ability to physically sense and respond in different circumstances or in short smart devices connected to internet without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. These devices need high speed internet connections. 5G would mark the beginning of the era of IOT. It’s true we have high speed internet for IOT but we need mobile devices with high speed internet (5G or higher version) to really make IOT a common technology that can be used by all. It is often said that so far we were only using internet for surfing, downloading, viewing in real time etc, but 5G will us to use internet to do physical work like a doctor performing operation from one location on a patient in different location using a robotic surgery machine (controlled by the doctor via 5G connection), we can water our plants from a remote location when our sensor shows the plants are low on water etc.

IOT interactions:

1.M2M (machine to machine)

2.M2P (machine to people)

3.P2P (people to people)


Advantages of IOT:

1.It will improve efficiency.

2.It will increase productivity.

3.It will decrease pollution level.

4.It will help us to conserve resources.

5.It will make our life comfortable.

6.It will help us save money.

 Disadvantages of IOT:

1.Security might be a concern.

2.Privacy may be compromised.

3.A single cyber attack can cripple the entire infrastructure.

4.Possibility of the machines turning against us.

 Applications of IOT:

1.It can be used in various consumer applications like smart home, smart cars etc.

2.It can be used in various organizational applications like medical services, transport services etc.

3.It can be used in various industrial applications like manufacturing, agriculture etc.

4.Military applications.

5.Infrastructure applications.

A world of interconnected devices that communicate with each other will make our life easy and comfortable. But every blessing also come with certain conditions. There are still certain issues that we have deal with before going full on with IOT. IOT will be a true blessing to everyone if we sort the problems it poses during it’s initial stages.


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