How to make antimatter?

How to make antimatter ?
What is antimatter ? Does Antimatter exist ? Antimatter meaning or antimatter definition is, it is a substance which has properties opposite of matter. CERN antimatter collection has established the existence of antimatter.

What does antimatter look like ? Antimatter looks like normal matter but antimatter chemistry is opposite of matter. Antimatter has a nucleus with neutral neutrons and negatively charged antiprotons. The nucleus of antimatter is orbited by positively charged positrons.

CERN antimatter collection is so rare that it make antimatter cost extremely high. So the question arises how to make antimatter ?  Protons are accelerated thus increasing it’s energy. Once the protons reach the speed near to the speed of light, they are smashed through a wall of iridium or similar material. This produces many different particles including antiprotons. Antiprotons are then passed through vacuum guided by the magnetic fields and preserved in a vacuum trough made of magnetic field. So why do we have to use vacuum trough made of magnetic field ? What happens when matter and antimatter collide or what happens when matter and antimatter touch ? Matter and antimatter when come in contact with each other get mutually destroyed releasing energy in a process known as annihilation. So vacuum ensures no matter is present and the magnetic field helps to channelize the antimatter, avoiding contact with matter.

What is antimatter used for? Firstly, it is used in PET (positron emission tomography) scan. As positron get destroyed so nothing is left in the human body, of the particles used in the scan. Secondly, the cancer cells can specifically be targeted as antimatter will get destroyed on coming in contact with cancer cells, destroying cancer cells in the process. Thirdly, antimatter reactor can give us large amount of clean energy source with very little antimatter. So why is antimatter a clean energy source ? It is because when matter and antimatter collide, it gives out pure energy and no waste is left behind. Fourthly, antimatter propulsion could be a possible future application and give us the energy source required for interstellar travel. 


Antimatter has immense applications. But proper application of antimatter is only possible when we truly understand the nature of antimatter.


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