How does a Quantum computer work?

How does a Quantum computer work ?

Quantum computer is the application of Quantum Physics phenomenons like quantum superposition and quantum entanglement. A quantum computer is believed to be faster than the classical computer and a quantum computer also has more storage capacity.

So why not continue with classical computer ? What is the difference between quantum computer and classical computer ? Classical computer has come to the physical limit of how small we can make the electronic components, used in computer. Electronic components have already reduced to the size of a few atoms. At this size problems of quantum tunnelling appears where electrons disappear and reappear without any visible reason. So this gave birth to quantum computer science and quantum computer. What is a quantum computer ? How does a quantum computer work ? Quantum computer uses quantum bit (qubit or qbit) as its basic unit of quantum information (instead of 0 or 1 as in classical computer). A qubit can have both the value of 0 and 1 at the same time (known as Quantum superposition) unless measured or observed. So a memory consisting of ‘n’ bits of information has 2(to the power ‘n’) possible states(states are like the spin of an electron or polarization of a photon, etc). Thus we can see that a quantum computer has immense storage capacity. These states can be plugged into different algorithm to obtain the final outcomes. As regard to quantum computer vs supercomputer, it is believed that the quantum computer will be better than supercomputer. Quantum computer speed is faster than classical computer because the number of processes required to arrive at a result is immensely reduced.

Quantum computer applications are as follows. Firstly, with regard to cyber security, the quantum entanglement phenomenon can help. As any change in one member of the entangled pair can change the other member of the pair. Thus if anyone reads the encrypted message, it will be known by the receiver . Secondly, quantum simulation can help to simulate many phenomenon which would be difficult to simulate in classical computer. Thirdly, quantum supremacy, which is a hypothetical speed advantage that quantum computers will have has wide spread applications like search engines etc.

Quantum computer decoherence or loss of coherence is the destruction of the quantum properties of the quantum computer due to temperature fluctuations, vibrations, electromagnetic waves and other interactions with the environment. Thus quantum computer programming is difficult and building quantum computer is full of challenges.

Quantum computer will ultimately be a necessity as we are approaching the physical limits of electronic components, after which quantum mechanics and quantum problems will come into play. However we have to develop quantum computers quickly, otherwise development of computing will come to a stagnating point.


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