What is Starlink?

What is Starlink ?

The internet that we use and the speed we experience is much because of the cables that has been laid out throughout the world, even in deep ocean beds. The internet from satellite had always been slow. But Starlink  is about to change all these.

So what is Starlink ? Starlink or Elon Musk Starlink internet is a Starlink satellites constellation that will reduce the latency experienced with satellite internet. So the question arises as to why the internet speed of Starlink would be better than other satellite internet providers? Starlink satellites will be at a lower orbit than other satellites thus reducing the latency time. And also the number of Starlink satellites forming the Starlink constellation will cover every part of the planet.

Starlink launch or maiden launch of SpaceX Starlink was on 22nd February, 2018 with the launch of first Starlink satellite. Each Starlink satellite is super compact and weigh approximately 260 kg. The Starlink satellite have ion propulsion system powered by Krypton. The propulsion system help the Starlink satellites to maneuver in space, raise its orbit and deorbit at the end of their useful life. Starlink satellites also have autonomous collision avoidance system which automatically manoeuvres the satellite to avoid collisions with space debris and other spacecrafts, reducing human error. The Starlink satellites are low earth orbit satellites. At this altitude and the huge number of satellites that is proposed for Starlink constellation, the latency will be dramatically reduced and Starlink internet speed will be up to gigabit per second. Another important point to mention here is the commitment of Starlink to keep the space clean of space debris. At the end of the life of Starlink satellite, the onboard propulsion system will deorbit the satellite to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere over the course of few months. In case the propulsion system fails the satellite will burn up in Earth’s atmosphere in 1 to 5 years instead of hundreds or thousands of years.

Starlink review is overall positive. Firstly, it would be the dawn of a new era of how high speed internet is provided to the masses. Secondly, it will dramatically reduce the ground infrastructure cost and maintenance cost. Thirdly, the difficultly in setting up ground infrastructure had always been a major hindrance in providing internet to remote corners of the world. Starlink project will provide internet to all corners of the world that too high speed internet. Fourthly, the Starlink internet cost is expected to be very reasonable to the customers. Fifthly, Starlink commitment to keep space clean of debris is truly praiseworthy. Sixthly, the collision avoidance system is a dramatic feature when we have a large quantity of Starlink satellites. However, there are certain drawbacks in Starlink project as well. Firstly, weather disturbances can affect the reception and speed of Starlink internet. Secondly, in case the Starlink propulsion system fails, the Starlink satellite will remain as a space debris or potential risk for other spacecrafts for 1 to 5 years.

Starlink project is truly innovative. It will change our internet experience for better.


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