Is teleportation possible?

Is teleportation possible ?
What is teleportation ? Is teleportation possible ? Latest researches from various researchers raises the possibility of teleportation, at least quantum teleportation.

So what is teleportation ? Teleportation is the transfer of an object from any point in space to any other point in the space. So basically teleportation involves disintegration of an object in a teleportation device and sending the information across vast distances. At the destination, the teleportation machine interpret the information sent and reintegrate the object.

So is teleportation possible ? Teleportation experiment carried out previously, was able to teleport a photon up to 100 km on ground. After 100 km a photon get scattered due to limits in fibre optic cables. However researchers in China were successfully able to teleport a photon from the ground to a satellite at a distance varying from 500 to 1400 km. Micius is a satellite that was launched by China and is a highly sensitive photon receiver. Entangled pair of photons was created on ground and one of the photon was beamed to the satellite. The quantum state of the entangled pair of photons was then studied to understand ‘spooky action at a distance’ i.e. the researchers carried out teleportation of photons. By affecting the quantum state of earth photon, the quantum state of satellite photon was changed, thus the photon responsible for change in quantum state, was teleported to the satellite.

The principle of quantum entanglement involved in teleportation has much wider application. Firstly, it can be used in encryption. The quantum entanglement creates a pair of photons. Any action to manipulate the information will cause an effect on the other member of the pair and will let the end user know that the information was compromised. Secondly, the quantum computer and quantum network is based on quantum principle. Thirdly, human teleportation is a future possibility.

However teleportation technology also has its sets of problems. Firstly, teleportation involves integration and disintegration of matter, and only information is transferred. In a way the original is destroyed and a new one is created. So can it disintegrate a living being and reintegrate it back with life ? This is a big question to which we have no answer, as of now. Secondly, would it mean a faster than light travel ? Although only our information travel but the concept is not yet fully understood. Thirdly, if we somehow manage to teleport a living being, but will the teleported person be the real person himself. Fourthly, as ‘no cloning will be allowed’ so if our information collected before our disintegration gets corrupted then there is a high chance that we will never ever materialize.

Teleportation technology as fascinating as it may sound, is still far from teleporting any molecule, let alone an entire human being. We still have a long way to go as far as teleportation is concerned.



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